Donald Trump Thinks Hillary Clinton Should Be In Prison


The Daily Dealer Contributor
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At the second presidential debate, Donald Trump said that Hillary Clinton would “be in jail” if he were president. On the stump, he has reiterated that Hillary “has to go to jail.” The reaction from the liberal media – which should stick to reporting the facts – has been predictable. Instead of investigating the various crimes and protocol breaches that would have sent anyone not named Hillary Clinton to prison, the liberal media has gone about haranguing Donald Trump, accusing him of capriciously threatening his opponent for no good reason.

The American people simply cannot trust the large media corporations in this company to tell them the truth. This country relies on alternative media sources to report the news that the globalist elite find upsetting.

But alternative media needs your help. Outlets like the Daily Caller are not as simply not as big as liberal giants like the New York Times and the Washington Post. You can support smaller, more trustworthy venues by getting a limited edition “Hillary for Prison” T-shirt.

Proceeds from this shirt support Keeping Accountable Journalism Accessible To All

Proceeds from this shirt support Keeping Accountable Journalism Accessible To All

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This design is also available as both a long-sleeve tee and as a hoodie. In the run-up to November 8, someone needs to remind people of everything Hillary has done. That someone can be alternative media. That someone can be you.