DC Trawler

When Amy Schumer And Seth Rogen Start Selling Beer, People Stop Buying It

(Aly Song/Reuters)

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I vaguely remember, at some point in the distant past, that Seth Rogen once made me laugh. It might’ve been when he was on Freaks & Geeks? Or it could’ve been one of his many interchangeable movies. Not sure. And the same goes for Amy Schumer. I know I saw her stand-up when she was starting out, and I found some of her jokes amusing. There was a time when those two seemed like promising new talents.

Then they did… this.

Get it? Because you probably recognize some of those people, and you probably get some of those pop-culture references. And there’s an election going on. See, that’s why it’s funny. Also: a dick joke! Bud Light just told you a dick joke.

If that ad didn’t make you want to run out and buy some Even Worse Budweiser, you’re not alone. FoxNews.com:

Anheuser-Busch InBev has pulled the plug on its Bud Light ads featuring comedians Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen.

According to Adweek, the beer giant pulled the ads “a little earlier than expected” after its beer sales declined in the third quarter…

“Despite continued positive signs in brand health evolution, driven by millennials and Hispanics, [the third quarter] was the softest performance of Bud Light for the year from a volume and share perspective,” Bud Light senior director of marketing communications Lisa Weser told Adweek.

Translation: Bad ads don’t sell bad beer. Millennials love irony, but not enough to drink Bud Light ironically. But Rogen and Schumer got paid a lot of money to do very little work, so good for them.

Now Lady Gaga is running around wearing a Bud Light bumper sticker and little else. Maybe that’ll work? It’s cool because it’s so incredibly uncool? I dunno. At least it’s not Seth Rogen and Amy Schumer.