
Penn State Students Help Pay For Female Orgasm Workshop


David Krayden Ottawa Bureau Chief
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“To fake or not to fake” an orgasm: that was just one of the many questions for female students at Penn State University Tuesday night

In the spirit of inclusiveness, males were also encouraged to attend a workshop on the female orgasm that was paid in part by student activity fees, The Daily Collegian first reported.

Sex Discussed Here! came to the university courtesy of Penn State Center for Women Students (CWS). The sex education group provides a frank appraisal of the female orgasm in a workshop that apparently brings audiences to near rhapsody, if the accolades on their website can be believed.

The presentation also incorporated a large dose of transgender politics as the organizers insisted, “We do not use words like ‘man’ or ‘woman,’ recognizing that anatomy does not determine gender identity.” They do recognize words like “transgender, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, nonbinary, agender, intersex, and/or describe their gender identity as something other than what they were assigned at birth.”

True to their promise of delivering sex education combined with “women’s empowerment” and “a hearty does of laughter,” presenters regaled students with discussions of G-Spot stimulation, faking orgasms, multiple orgasms and how women’s bodies are depicted in popular culture.

“Students love that we work in pairs, bringing multiple perspectives to the conversation. Administrators often compliment us on presenting ‘sexy’ material in a tasteful, appropriate manner. And we know that people who are well-informed about sexual topics are more likely to make healthy decisions about the risks associated with sex. The program is inclusive of people of all genders, gender identities, and sexual orientations,” the Sex Discussed Here! website reads.

“We all realize that a lot is left out in general sex education,” CWS Programming Coordinator Jennifer Pencek told The Collegian. “We want students to know it’s okay to talk about, that it’s not shameful and actually beneficial for both partners.”

The evening was paid for in part by student activity fees, according to the Women’s Center website. These fees are involuntary and are supposed to be used for events “that will ultimately enhance student life, add value to the out of class experience, and/or improve the educational climate at the University Park campus.”

Sex Discussed Here! has “occasionally been known to give the jitters to college administrators,” its website concedes, while assuring everyone that the material is dealt with in a “tasteful and appropriate” manner.

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