
Madonna And Feral Cats

Paul H. Yarbrough Freelance Writer
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Newt Gingrich suggested Madonna should be arrested for her comments about blowing up the white house. I’d just as soon not feed and house her on my share of tax revenues.

Madonna, Ashley Judd, et al have housed themselves under their own biosphere, the same home of being. No matter how long you lock them up they will return, just as feral cats do, to the way they were found when they were locked up. And anyway, they are really harmless; simply pitiful little girls, albeit vulgar, for some reason unhappy that they are of that other sex (no, not gender). I have no idea why (and I’m sure Michael Moore is saddened he was born male, though I doubt he would get many dates as a girl).

Though they were not created savage, it is, however what they have become. Their quintessence is reduced to instinctive behavior, just like feral cats. No matter how often you lock them up they will always leave their confinement as instinctive, living via nature and nature’s raw nonspiritual de facto rules. It is a reduction they have apparently sought through self-love, self- aggrandizement, and I-am-worthy beyond Heaven.  Not only that, unlike feral cats, they have taken on a hatred of men. Again, I have no idea why.

But I really don’t care. There was a time a while back when such ilk as Madonna and Colin Kaepernick would get no attention regarding their thoughts (for lack of a better word) and actions. But then in that “a while back” they never would be on stage in the first place. There were (and still are) plenty of good football players and singers, such that these woeful warts of the entertainment world would be working at real jobs and could not take time off for a public-crass act.

And anyway, most responsible people at that time (again, a while back) would never have considered them as anything other than unfortunate that what they said was the best effort at persuasion they could muster, forgetting about their loutish and fool language. And, most women would have been offended at the profanity passing for discourse. No more, apparently, as with no discipline, lingo goes unchecked as well as inoffensive.

Of course, there was more of a sense of manhood back in the “a while back,” too. Manhood, today has discovered that women can box and play football and throw hand grenades and get tattooed, and of course, cuss, as well as men can. So, manhood now proudly is willing for their wives and mothers and sisters to do their fighting for them, while today, men march in Gay-Pride parades, wear pink ties and drink tea with their pinkie sticking out. Women do bomber pilot stuff.

So, Newt, it would be a waste of time locking anyone up for their conduct; they are what they have sought to become: wild, harsh, ruthless.

But perhaps that is what we have become: a society of feral cats with no boundaries, no class, no character, no spirituality. And as its follows, few ladies; and with certainty, fewer gentlemen.