
Nancy Pelosi Caught On Hot Mic: ‘Tell Them You’re A Muslim’ [VIDEO]

Anna Sortino/Daily Caller

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A hot microphone picked up House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi instructing a Democratic congressman to tell a crowd of anti-Trump protesters that he is a Muslim.

Pelosi’s slip-up took place in front of a group of protesters demonstrating outside the Supreme Court against Donald Trump’s executive orders on immigration.


Pelosi ceded the microphone to Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, whom she introduced as a “Muslim member of Congress.”

“Greetings from the great state of Indiana. I’m Congressman Andre Carson!” Carson said, prompting Pelosi to badger him. “Tell them you’re a Muslim,” Pelosi mumbled. “Tell them you’re a Muslim.”

Carson complied. “Not only do I represent Indiana’s seventh congressional district very proudly,” he said, “but I happen to be a Muslim and a former police officer.”


H/T Free Beacon

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