DC Trawler

Iron Fist Creator To Critics: The Character Isn’t ‘Oriental,’ So Get Over It

(Photo by Craig Barritt/Getty Images for Netflix)

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I tried to watch Iron Fist on Netflix, but it was boring and I gave up after 20 minutes. The only entertainment I’m likely to derive from the show is watching people complain online that a Caucasian comic-book character is being portrayed by a white dude. And if they weren’t ticked off enough about it already, the creator of the original character is really (ahem) kicking things off.

Here’s Roy Thomas, the veteran comic-book writer who created Iron Fist back in the ’70s, talking to Caitlin Busch at Inverse.com about the supposed “whitewashing” controversy:

“I try not to think about it too much. I have so little patience for some of the feelings that some people have. I mean, I understand where it’s coming from. You know, cultural appropriation, my god. It’s just an adventure story. Don’t these people have something better to do than to worry about the fact that Iron Fist isn’t Oriental, or whatever word? I know Oriental isn’t the right word now, either.”

No, it isn’t. I’m not sure why it’s more offensive than “Asian,” but a lot of people don’t like the term “Oriental” in reference to someone whose ancestry goes back to the Orient.* So, some people are angry at Mr. Thomas for using it.

As he notes: “I just think some people have too much time on their hands, I guess. They have an infinite capacity for righteous indignation.” That’s because in 2017 America, righteous indignation is currency. The more loudly you proclaim how “woke” you are, the more currency you have. Even if you’re yelling about something as silly as a superhero show about a guy who’s really good at punching and kicking. Instead of creating your own characters and doing whatever you want with them, it’s easier to complain about other people’s creations.

If it helps get Roy Thomas back on your good side a little bit, he thinks Kilgrave is the best villain in all the Marvel TV series so far. I mean, there’s no disputing that. Yeah, the Kingpin was alright, but Kilgrave, man… That dude was evil!

*As an Irish-American, I used to get offended by people calling me a “stupid drunken mick,” but now I don’t let it bother me. It’s not what you’re called, it’s what you answer to. #ShamrockLivesMatter

Tags : iron fist
Jim Treacher