DC Trawler

Is Your Baby A Racist? The Answer May Surprise You (If You’re A Racist)

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Everybody knows babies are problematic: They can’t use the toilet, they cry all the time, they make terrible movies, etc. But it’s even worse than we thought. Turns out they’re a bunch of damn racists!

Stacy Liberatore, Daily Mail:

It has been believed that children developed race-based bias during their preschool years, but a new study has suggested it starts much earlier.

Following a series of studies, researchers have discovered that six- to nine-month-old infants demonstrated racial bias in favor of members of their own race and bias against those of other races.

Don’t believe it? Of course you don’t, you racist science-denier. Here, try it for yourself: Ask a white baby, “Do black lives matter?”


I’d tell all you babies out there that you should be ashamed of yourselves, but you can’t read. You can’t even walk, let alone march. You’re too busy napping to stay woke.

Babies, man… #smdh

Tags : racism woke
Jim Treacher