
Cal State Pro-Life Club Banned From ‘Social Justice’ Fair

REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

David Krayden Ottawa Bureau Chief
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There’s no room at the fair for pro-life students at the Cal State University’s Dominguez Hills branch, The College Fix reports.

Students for Life will not be permitted to set up a booth at the Cal State’s annual Labor, Social and Environmental Justice Fair, planned for Tuesday. Organizers told the students that their cause just would work within the fair’s “framework.”

The pro-life students learned that their “application was denied based on the reasoning that your organization does not fit within the framework of this particular event,” according to an email obtained by The College Fix that was originally sent to the group on April 14. The email emphasized that the verdict came from the students who sit on the organization committee.

The decision is remarkably similar to another directed against anti-abortion groups when the architects of last January’s Women’s March informed pro-life women that they would not fit into the group-think at the Washington event.

The email instructing the Cal State pro-life students to pack up their displays suggests they might examine other places more appropriate for their subject matter, such as the campus free speech area, an “involvement” fair or perhaps orientation week for new students.

The social justice fair runs all day and purports to be “designed to connect students and members of the community with local unions and community organizations that are doing social justice work, while enjoying art, music, dance and theater,” so the news release states.

While enjoying the music and the arts, students can indulge in a special education session that will teach them “how to organize against attacks on workers’ rights, particularly from the Supreme Court and Congress.”

This year’s theme is entitled “I exist because I resist,” and is designed to correspond with the student protest directed against President Donald Trump that is prevalent on the campuses of so many colleges and universities.

Event organizers say they are doing a wonderful job. “We’re proud to be sponsored by unions, student government and individual donations. We’re overjoyed to have the participation of over 40 social justice organizations with useful resources and information,” fair advisor and Labor Studies Program Coordinator Vivian Price told the campus newspaper, Dateline Dominguez.

“As attacks on people based on race and religion and free speech mount under this administration, and the rights for a clean environment and good, safe jobs shrink and the very right to organize collectively is in jeopardy, we need to share our resources and work together.”

Neither Price nor the Labor and Social Justice Club cared to respond to media queries seeking to know what they meant exactly by the Students for Life not fitting into the “framework” of the event.

An anonymous message warning pro-life students to “Keep your religion and politics out of my uterus” suggests the Students for Life have angry opponents on campus.

Brent Stenhouse, a member of Students for Life, questioned the decision by fair organizers to exclude them from the event.

“As a social justice, human rights organization, the only reason we can imagine we were denied is simply politics: even though there are plenty of people from across the political spectrum who oppose killing pre-born persons,” he told The College Fix.

“Moreover, it appears that participation in this event is limited to individuals and organizations that toe the liberal line, marching in lock-step with the dominant ideology on campus: Marxism,” he added.

The social justice fair is replete with sponsors who publicly oppose President Trump and his policies, including the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, which, when it is not representing rank and file workers, holds training sessions on how to block government raids on illegal immigration. The International Alliance of Theatrical State Employees has judged Trump to be “temperamentally unfit” for the presidency.

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