DC Trawler

Apparently Kurt Eichenwald Reads Weird Japanese Porn, Which Is Fine

(Photo by Charles Eshelman/Getty Images)

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Kurt Eichenwald is feuding with your pal and mine Tucker Carlson again, and usually I’d say that’s pretty boring. Eichenwald reacting badly to criticism is nothing new. But what you’re about to read definitely is.

Joseph Wulfsohn, Mediaite:

After Carlson name-dropped Eichenwald in a negative matter on his show on Tuesday night, Eichenwald responded on Wednesday with an hours-long tweetstorm targeting the Fox News host…

During this one-sided Twitter war, Eichenwald last night tweeted this picture of him holding up that anti-Semitic flyer to prove its authenticity while defending someone else who received the same thing.

Here’s what some eagle-eyed Twitter users noticed about that screencap from Kurt’s computer:

I always thought “hentai” was some sort of Japanese shampoo, but it turns out not to be. You can Google “B-Chiku” if you want, but it’s definitely not safe for work.

In Eichenwald’s defense, you shouldn’t send him anti-Semitic crap. For one thing, he’s not Jewish, and for another, anti-Semites are human garbage. Besides, this is still the United States of America. Kurt Eichenwald can do whatever he wants, with whatever sort of weird porn he prefers, as long as there aren’t any underage kids involved.

Like last time.

I’d tell everybody to give you a hand, Kurt, but you’ve taken care of that part already. Enjoy your Thursday.

Update: Presented without comment.