
Asking If A Transgender Person Had Surgery Or Just Enjoys Crossdressing Is A ‘Microaggression’ Now

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Asking transgender people if they have underdone genital mutilation surgery or if they are just run-of-the-mill crossdressers is now a “microaggression.”

A “nonbinary Ph.D. candidate” using the pseudonym Francis Walker discovered this new, menacing microaggression and added it to the world’s perpetually growing stockpile by way of a 1,245-word essay at Inside Higher Ed.

Microaggressions are everyday words and actions that radical leftists have decided to be angry and resentful about.

“One of the most common examples of a cissexist microaggression is asking a transgender person if they have had ‘the surgery,” Walker explains. “The question implies that there is only one surgery (not true), that the surgery is the only way the person can be recognized as a ‘real’ woman or man (also not true) and that the individual asking the question has the right to ask and know about the transgender person’s genitals (obviously not true).”

Specifically, Walker declares, the microaggression of asking transgender people if they have undergone gender mutilation surgery is a “cissexist microaggression.” (“Cissexist” derives from “cisgender,” an invented term which means the absence of a transgender disorder.)

Walker announces that the “cissexist microaggression” of asking about surgery “can be the most harmful in one-on-one relationships” — especially relationships between graduate students and their department chairmen or thesis supervisors.

“Not more than two weeks after I started my master’s degree in English literature, the department chair sent an email to everyone, including the other graduate students, detailing my gender transition,” Walker relates.

The email, which allegedly mentioned Walker’s” trans-masculine body,” “outed me as trans to the entire department,” Walker claims.

“This event would become the reason why I dropped my original research topic of the British author Angela Carter and, instead, examined transgender representation in media.”

“There is a longstanding fascination in academe with trans people, including decades’ worth of research that has made us objects of academic inquiry,” Walker explains — while failing to note that obscure transgender academics are largely responsible for any academic fascination with transgender people.

Walker prominently cites the work of Julia Serano, a transgender person who was born male — and now a “transgender theorist” — for the assertion that “the culture we live in as cissexist, meaning that in the spectrum of power of cis/trans, it is cisgender people (those who identify with their sex assigned at birth) who maintain power and control.”

Walker complains that people have asked about many things including “wearing a woman’s cardigan.”

Also, “cis people — like doctors, researchers and others in academe — assume that they have the right to ask the questions and then to meditate the responses,” Walker gripes.

“Although no one showed any overt physical violence toward me during my M.A., I know from my research that it is in those moments of difference — like a name not matching up or using sex-segregated bathrooms — when violence often occurs,” Walker also charges.

The discovery and invention of new and exciting microaggressions is all the rage on many college campuses.

For example, the taxpayer-funded University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill published — and then deleted — a document entitled “Career corner: Understanding microaggressions” which identified golf outings, Christmas vacations, the word “boyfriend” and any interruption of a woman who is speaking as microaggressions. (RELATED: University Of North Carolina: CHRISTMAS VACATION Is A ‘Microaggression’ Now)

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