
SJWs Threaten Conservative DC Comics Artist With Violence

Ian Miles Cheong Contributor
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DC Comics artist Ethan Van Sciver is no stranger to harassment from the progressive left, and now he is facing a new round of threats promising physical violence.

Van Sciver was previously targeted for an attack during a visit to the Gotham City Pizza restaurant in Orlando, Florida. The restaurant was vandalized a day after his visit following months of threats on social media.

The artist was subject to threats this week from Doom Rocket editor Jarrod Jones and comics fan Chunk Kelly, reports Bounding Into Comics. The publication reports that Jones penned a post on Facebook referring to a freelance writer’s plans to write a hit piece on Van Sciver for The Atlantic.

The Atlantic’s editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg has since denied that the writer, Asher Elbein, is an employee of the publication, nor is he on assignment.

The post prompted a reply by Chunk Kelly, who asked if Van Sciver had any plans to attend the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington. Jones replied, “I was thinking the saaaame (SIC) thing,” following it up with the words, “*cracks knuckles*.”

“I have purposely stayed out of the Twitter battles and off his radar because what I believe needs to be said to him does not require words,” said Kelly.

“I feel the same way,” replied Jones. “Sciver – and everyone backing D&C – needs to learn a bit of humility.”

D&C refers to Diversity and Comics, a YouTube channel that has lambasted progressives in the comic book industry and cast a light on efforts to promote social justice within the popular medium.

“How lucky for them that #MRDRS happens to teach an advanced class,” concluded Kelly.

MRDRS refers to the Mount Rainier Destruction and Recreation Society, a group of hipster misfits in Washington.

Van Sciver has come under increased scrutiny from his progressive detractors within the comic book industry following the publication of psychology professor Jordan Peterson’s new book, “12 Rules for Life,” for which he produced illustrations.

Ian Miles Cheong is a journalist and outspoken media critic. You can reach him through social media at @stillgray on Twitter and on Facebook.