
Trump Slams CNN For ‘Fake News’ — And CNN Responds

Left: Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images Right: Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Justin Caruso Contributor
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President Trump tweeted about CNN Thursday after a “Tucker Carlson Tonight” segment exposed how the network allegedly tried to script town hall questions from a student who witnessed the Parkland, Fla. school shooting.

The president tweeted:

The tweet references a segment Fox News host Tucker Carlson did Thursday on how CNN tried to script a question from school shooting survivor Colton Haab for their Wednesday town hall on guns.

Haab told Tucker, “They had taken what I had wrote and what I had briefed on and talked about and they actually wrote the question for me.”

He also said, “Originally I had thought that it was going to be more of my own question and my own say and then it turned out to be more of just a script. And she had actually said that over the phone I needed to stick to the script.” (RELATED: Tucker Interviews Shooting Survivor Over CNN Scripting Questions)

CNN responded to this tweet from its official communications account, writing, “There is absolutely no truth to this story — and we can prove that. CNN did not provide or script questions for anyone in last night’s town hall, nor have we ever. Those are the facts. .”

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