Grocery Store Censors Son’s Honors Award Grad Cake Over ‘Profanity’


Katie Jerkovich Entertainment Reporter
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A South Carolina mom is really not happy with her grocery store after it reportedly censored the message she wanted to be written on her son’s honors award grad cake because it included “profanity.”

The message was supposed to read “Congrats Jacob! Summa Cum Laude class of 2018.” The middle term is a Latin word and means “with the highest distinction,” according to the Associated Press Tuesday.

Cara Koscinski said she ordered the cake from Publix store using its online ordering system. When she typed in the message it would reportedly only recognize the word “Cum” as “profanity.” So, the mom said she went an extra step and wrote in the special instructions box what she hoped the message to her son would be, who was graduating with a 4.79 GPA.

When they opened the cake she said it read “Congrats Jacob! Summa – – – Laude class of 2018.”

She explained that the person who picked up the cake was unaware of what she ordered. Koscinksi called the whole ordeal “utterly ridiculous” and that “her son was humiliated” by its decision.

“How utterly ridiculous, and I will be speaking to a manager for a refund. Shame on you Publix for turning an innocent Latin phrase into a total embarrassment for having to explain to my son and others (including my 70-year-old mother) about this joke of a cake. My son was humiliated!!! I seriously couldn’t make this crap up!!!!
Funny-not-funny,” she wrote in her Facebook post.

After she complained to the store they offered her a full refund and a gift card.