
Sarah Sanders Holds Back Tears After Young Boy Asks About School Shootings During Press Briefing

Benny Johnson Columnist, Viral Politics
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Sarah Sanders took a question from a rather unique reporter in the briefing room Wednesday.

She called on a reporter who said he had a “young guest” with a question. The young guest, a boy in the audience, had a question written down on paper about being protected during a school shooting. He asked:

“We recently had a lock down drill. One thing that affects my mental health is the worry about that me or my friends could get shot at school. Can you tell me what the administration has done and will do to prevent these senseless tragedies?”

Sanders got clearly emotional in her answer. Sanders’ voice quivered and cracked as she said, “I think, as a kid, and certainly as a parent, there’s nothing that could be more terrifying for a kid to go to school and not feel safe. I’m sorry that you feel that way.”

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Screenshot/FOX news

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“This administration takes it seriously,” Sanders continued. “The school safety commission that the president convened is meeting this week again. An official meeting to discuss the best ways forward and how we can do every single thing within our power to protect kids in our schools and to make them feel safe and make their parents feel good about dropping them off.”

Powerful moment for the mother of three.