
Plan Your Perfect Meal And We’ll Tell You Where To Go On Vacation

REUTERS/Francois Lenoir

Annie Caputo Contributor
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Summer is here, at last, which means now is the perfect time for you to use those hard-earned vacation days. What better time of year to get away, relax and enjoy the sunshine. There are literally endless possibilities as to where you can go… the world is your oyster!

While those may seem like the most incredible words you could say to a person, if you’re someone as indecisive as me, you see it as a nightmare. There really is no shortage of places to travel to, not just globally, but within our own United States. With so many options, how can I be expected to choose?

What if making a big decision, like planning a vacation, could be simplified to a much smaller one, like picking what you want to eat for dinner? Well now, it is.

Choose your favorite option for each course of dinner to create your perfect meal. When you’re finished, we’ll tell you where you should buy your next plane ticket to.