Trump Jr. Pokes Holes In Santa Barbara Straw Ban

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Donald Trump Jr. sent spitballs flying in response to Santa Barbara’s recently announced ban on plastic straws.

The president’s son tweeted on Wednesday that Democrats were more worried about plastic straws than they were about stemming the tide of violence perpetrated by MS-13 gang members.

The Santa Barbara ordinance, passed last Tuesday, bans plastic straws in bars and restaurants — and authorizes the city to punish anyone found in violation of the ordinance with up to six months in jail or $1000 in fines per incident.

San Francisco and Seattle have also recently banned plastic drinking straws at restaurants and bars, but Santa Barbara has taken the measure to a whole new level — the fines implemented in Seattle top out at $250 per incident.

Jesse Kelly took things a little further, directly trolling the city of Santa Barbara with a joke tweet.

The police department trolled right back, however, thanking him for drawing attention to the important issue.

Outspoken actor James Woods also weighed in on the straw ban, pointing out the fact that “knowingly giving another person AIDS is no longer a felony.”