
UNFAKE THE NEWS: Mainstream Media Glorifies Violent Antifa Protests

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Sharan Kumar Contributor
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The mainstream media has disingenuously framed the counter protests to “Unite the Right 2” rally in DC as being “anti-hate” when, in reality, many of the counter-protesters acted aggressively toward authorities and journalists.

TheDC’s Vince Coglianese explains that some of the bad faith counter protesters that showed up to protest white supremacy on Sunday discredited the cause of the overall crowd gathered to protest due to their aggressive activities.

One counter-protester claimed that if the president showed up to the rally, he would “murder him for the people.”

Another counter-protester said President Trump should be executed in the same way as deceased Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.

Whether it was threats against the president or assaulting journalists, the actions of these counter-protesters should be covered objectively by the media and generalized as “anti-hate”.

“Unfake the News” is a Daily Caller program dedicated to debunking the mainstream media narratives that dominate our news cycle.

That’s where TheDC’s Vince Coglianese steps in to cut through the PC bull. Each week, Vince takes a closer look at how cable news outlets are telling the top story and then gives you his own unadulterated take.

This is “Unfake the News.”


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