
Megyn Kelly Details How Dem City School Indoctrinates Children To ‘Hate’ America

(Screenshot/YouTube/"The Megyn Kelly Show")

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Political commentator Megyn Kelly detailed Monday on her show how a New York City school, which her children previously attended, is indoctrinating children to “hate” America.

Author and school choice advocate Corey DeAngelis joined Kelly on “The Megyn Kelly Show” to discuss the failures of America’s public schools and his push behind school choice.” Kelly relayed to DeAngelis how she had taken her children out of an NYC school a couple of years ago due to the “insanity that went on there.” The political commentator, however, stated that a friend of hers still had her son in the school and was shocked by a recent essay her fourth-grade son read to his class. (RELATED: Red State Gov Signs Bills That Include School Choice Expansion)

“Well, I checked in with some of my friends at those same schools still and my one dear friend has a son, who was in my younger son’s grade. So now they’re in fourth grade. So her son, she shared with me a little essay. It was like a little paragraph that her son had to do about America. I am going to read you, with her permission, what her son read, she got it home and could not believe her eyes,” Kelly stated.

“Okay, he writes: ‘The event I would teach people about is slavery. The reason I think it’s important to teach people about this event is so that we can see that America was built on black people, not on whites. Behind the scenes, it’s all blacks. The reason we have picked crops, built houses, and America is because black people did it all. The only thing white people did was take credit for work they didn’t do. As a white person, I stand with black people all the way.'”

“This is a 10-year-old boy who is not getting this from mom and dad. He’s learning this at an institution that in the third and fourth grade is trying to indoctrinate the children to hate the country and hate whites. It’s very clear ‘the only thing white’s did was take credit for it all.’ She was shocked. And I don’t believe there’ll be at the school next year,” Kelly stated.

DeAngelis stated that schools like those in NYC are the reason behind the current “parent revolution,” calling out how the system is not creating a “more cohesive society.”

“Look, the taxpayers are spending about $40,000 per student per year in the government-run schools in New York City and look the whole school system is supposed to be meant for creating a more cohesive society, creating more of a civic participation and tolerance of others views. This is the exact opposite of what we’re seeing in our government institutions today. And that’s why this parent revolution has been sparked,” DeAngelis responded.

A report last month found the city’s “Growing Up and Staying Safe: New York City K-12 HIV Education Curriculum” is teaching students as young as four years old about sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and gender identity, which includes allowing them access to books that contain information on penises and vulvas. A 21-page picture book, shared online, shows various pages teaching children to ask others what they “may be called,” as well as showing where their “penis” and “vulva” are on their bodies.

The Democratic city additionally received backlash in January after an entire high school temporarily went virtual in order to allow roughly 2,000 migrants to be relocated to the property. At the time, James Madison High School Principal Jodie Cohen stated the migrants would be taking shelter in the school building due to “high winds and flooding conditions.”