
Marston Hefner Makes Damning Allegations Against Crystal Hefner


Leena Nasir Entertainment Reporter
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Hugh Hefner’s son, Marston Hefner, spoke out against his stepmother, Crystal Hefner, and accused her of taking control of Hugh’s finances as he was dying and speculated she might’ve been behind the strange guest list at his funeral.

Marston shared the bombshell allegations on Monday’s episode of Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardt’s “Girls Next Level” podcast. Marston said Crystal “might be a master manipulator.” Marston also alleged that Crystal might have controlled the guest list of the funeral, welcoming in strangers and leaving out people Hugh loved.

“You knew to be a little scared sometimes, to not get on her bad side,” Marston said.

Marston claimed Crystal desperately wanted to be Hugh’s “only girlfriend” and made dramatic moves to solidify her position as the closest person to him.

“When Crystal came in, there started to be tribes. There were people that were on Crystal’s team,” he said, before declaring she enjoyed “the idea of control and power.”

“She liked being in that position where you had to go through her or you had to ask her for things … she liked controlling the guest list.”

“She liked taking girls off and on the guest list depending on whatever the whims were at the time.”

Marston claimed Crystal took longtime guests and close people off the lists, and noted this included people who had been there for “10 years, 15 years.”

Hugh’s son then suggested Crystal may have masterminded the planning of Hugh’s funeral.

“I don’t know if that’s true. But whoever was in charge of the guest list for my father’s funeral, shame on you,” he said. “There were people there who I’ve never seen in my entire life.”

“There were people filming us on their iPhones documenting our grief.”

Marston went on to claim that Crystal made people sign NDAs in the years when Hugh was “really sick” prior to his death.

“According to her, she didn’t want people to see him not able to walk, not able to talk,” he said. Marston noted his father suffered from “really bad back pain” and was “dosed with fucking medication.”

“People can’t say no to these people,” he said, “so they fuckin’ doped him up whenever he wanted to get doped up. He wasn’t here. He was so doped up he didn’t know what was going on.”

Marston said his father’s will changed the year he passed away but questioned how that was possible. (RELATED: ‘So Much Sex Going On’: Jenny McCarthy Dishes About The ‘Gross’ Playboy Mansion Parties)

“I was like, ‘Why, when he wasn’t here, when he didn’t know what the fuck was up or down half the time, why would he change his will?” he said, adding that it seemed “very creepy” and “suspect.”