
Video Shows Gargantuan Crocodile Caught After Lunging At People, Snatching Away Dog In Australia

[YouTube/Screenshot/Public — Guardian Australia]

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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We’ve got a monster, ladies and gentlemen!

Measuring over an incredible four meters (that’s over 13 feet!), a massive crocodile was caught at a marina in northern Queensland, Australia, and this came after the beast lunged at a man who was just doing his thing on his houseboat, according to The Guardian.

But not only did he try to take a chomp out of some guy, it was also reported to officials that he snatched away a dog! The incidents were separate. (RELATED: Lucky Australian Teen Catches Barramundi Fish And Wins $1 Million)

North of Townsville, it was caught Monday at Cardwell Marina, and this came just days after another huge croc (nearly 10 feet) was captured in that exact location.

Ella Meeve, a wildlife officer, stated that the latest animal caught can be considered an “icon crocodile” because of its behemoth size.

“This means the decision on where the crocodile will be placed and housed must be made in consultation with the relevant Traditional Owners,” said Meeve. “It also means that the animal may only be placed with a registered crocodile farm or zoo which agrees to use it for educational purposes about crocodile conservation and their ecology.”


Living in Florida, we have our own dangerous wildlife — alligators, bears, panthers, coyotes and the most giant alien-looking bugs you can think of that have no problem being aggressive and attacking you — but I don’t think we have anything on Australia. It’s like everything in that country wants to kill you, literally.

Hell, even the kangaroos over there will come at you with a kung fu karate chop:

Australia, man … a dangerous friggin’ place that I love.