
Video Shows Raccoon Running Around Soccer Field Mid-Game

[Screenshot/X/User - @MLS]

Fiona McLoughlin Contributor
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There was an unexpected player on the field at a Major League Soccer (MLS) game Wednesday night between the Philadelphia Union and New York City.

A raccoon invaded the field of Subaru Park in Chester, Pennsylvania, and stopped play for more than two minutes, according to NBC News.

The animal ran across the field and up toward the stands in the videos shared by the MLS. The raccoon even stopped in the field for a moment before continuing its tour of the field.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite as bizarre as this, particularly given the amount of time he’s remained on the field,” Apple TV commentator Callum Williams said during the broadcast.

“We need to find him a ball because he’s moving very well in the center of midfield,” Williams said. (RELATED: Raccoon Cuts Drive-Thru Lineup, Politely Asks For Donut).

Subaru Park staff members can be seen rushing onto the field with trash cans, attempting to catch the raccoon. However, the stubborn invader had them chase it along the field while the players stood by watching.

“This is marvelous entertainment. Go on, raccoon! You can get away,” Williams commentated.

After multiple attempts, one of the staff members was able to trap the raccoon under a trash can while others hatched a plan to transport the animal off the field, the video showed.

“Don’t hurt him!” Williams exclaimed as the animal was trapped in the trash can.

Another staff member slipped an Addidas sign under the trashcan, allowing them to flip the can over without the raccoon escaping.

The raccoon was picked up by a local pest control company and was safely released, the Philadelphia Union said on Twitter.

The Philadelphia Union lost the game 2-1, according to NBC News. The team is now in ninth place in the MLS table.