
Death Toll Hits 149, Over 2 Million Affected Due To Severe Flooding In Brazil

REUTERS/Diego Vara

Mariane Angela Entertainment And News Reporter
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Officials reported 149 fatalities and millions affected Tuesday due to severe flooding in Brazil, ABC News reported.

Severe flooding plagues Brazil, especially in the Rio Grande do Sul region, where continuous rains have caused catastrophic conditions. Civil defense officials in this southern state report 149 deaths, with 124 people still missing, according to ABC News. The floods have displaced over 600,000 residents and destroyed around 155,000 homes. Approximately 2.1 million people are directly affected by what experts describe as an ongoing climate crisis in the area.

Officials warn that conditions may worsen as the Guaíba River in Porto Alegre, the state capital, could rise to over 18 feet in the coming days, reaching unprecedented levels. In response, Brazilian Finance Minister Fernando Haddad has announced that the federal government will provide direct financial aid to families affected by the floods, the outlet reported. Additionally, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has mobilized National Civil Defense resources to support the humanitarian response and help rebuild damaged infrastructure.

“Starting today, mayors and the state government can register requests for schools, daycare centers, health units, hospitals, and equipment recovery. Just register and it will start happening immediately to serve the people,” President Silva said during a live broadcast, ABC News reported. (RELATED: Biblical Floods, Hurricanes Force At Least 83,000 To Evacuate, Millions Left Without Electricity)

The international community is showing support, with U.S. President Joe Biden expressing solidarity.

“The United States stands with Brazil at this difficult time,” Biden said in a statement. “My administration is in contact with our Brazilian partners, and the United States is working to provide necessary assistance to the Brazilian people, in coordination with Brazilian authorities as they lead the response.”