
EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Group Circulates Memo To Congress Outlining Biden’s ‘Crushing’ Inflation

REUTERS/Mike Brown

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Mary Lou Masters Contributor
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Former Vice President Mike Pence’s advocacy group Advancing American Freedom (AAF) is sending out a memo to all congressional offices on Wednesday detailing the high inflation under President Joe Biden’s administration, the Daily Caller News Foundation first learned.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased 3.4% in April on a yearly basis, as well as 0.3% month-over-month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report released on Wednesday. AAF’s memo, exclusively obtained by the DCNF, argues that increased government spending and “restricted American energy production” is why inflation has risen by over 19% since Biden took office. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Mike Pence’s Group Sends Memo Defending Trump Tax Cuts As Senate Weighs Action)

“Bidenomics has created the highest and most persistent inflation in nearly 50 years and it remains the number one issue facing the American people,” AAF Chairman Marc Short told the DCNF in an exclusive statement. “President Biden must reverse his radical regulatory and spending campaign and get inflation back under control or face the wrath of the American electorate in November.”

AAF Inflation One Pager by Daily Caller News Foundation

The memo outlines the rising costs of housing, education, energy, food and transportation under the Biden administration, and argues the president’s “economic mismanagement has made inflation much worse.” Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Inflation Reduction Act, American Rescue Plan and others have added trillions to the U.S. debt.

“Biden’s ‘green energy’ push has thus far centered on pushing benefits for politically-favored ‘green’ constituencies, in the form of tax breaks, subsidies and government spending, while declaring regulatory war on American energy production, leading to higher electricity and gas prices on American families,” the memo states.

Inflation was at 1.4% year-over-year when Biden took office in January 2021, but peaked at 9% in June 2022 — the highest in over 40 years. It has since failed to drop below 3%.

“Today’s inflation report should be another wake-up call that Biden’s policies that have led us to this point are unsustainable,” the memo says. “Taming inflation requires commitment and – more importantly – fiscal and regulatory restraint from Washington.”

The White House did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

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