
Vulnerable House Dems Back Resolution Condemning Biden’s Immigration Policies

REUTERS/Craig Hudson

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Jason Hopkins Immigration Reporter
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A slate of House Democrats in mostly competitive districts have signed their names onto a resolution that explicitly condemns the Biden administration’s immigration agenda.

Thirteen House Democrats joined with Republicans in backing H. Res. 1112, a resolution that denounces President Joe Biden’s and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ immigration policies. The resolution passed the House chamber on Wednesday by a vote of 223-191, highlighting the growing bipartisan concern over the border crisis.

The 13 House Democrats who signed their name onto the resolution were Nikki Budzinksi and Eric Sorensen of Illinois, Yadira Caraveo of Colorado, Angie Craig of Minnesota, Henry Cuellar of Texas, Sharice Davids of Kansas, Don Davis of North Carolina, Jared Golden of Maine, Josh Harder of California, Steven Horsford and Susie Lee of Nevada, Mary Peltola of Alaska, and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington.

“Whereas President Joe Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas have created the worst border security crisis in the Nation’s history,” the resolution reads. “Whereas President Biden, beginning on day one of his administration, systematically dismantled effective border security measures and interior immigration enforcement.” (RELATED: Georgia Gov Signs Bill Into Law Requiring Sheriffs Cooperate With ICE After Laken Riley Murder)

The resolution also condemns the Biden Administration for allowing “at least 6,400,000 illegal aliens” from the border to enter the U.S., dismantling asylum cooperative agreements with Central American countries that the Trump administration put into place and halting construction of the southern border wall.

Southern border fence. Shutterstock

Southern border fence. Shutterstock

It also claimed the Biden Administration has violated immigration law by “refusing to detain inadmissible aliens,” blamed the White House for the “mass release” of illegal immigrants into the country, and invoked the name of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old Georgia nursing student who was allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant.

The resolution follows an ongoing immigration crisis, with at least six million encounters taking place at the southern border since Biden took office.

The crisis has caused more Americans to embrace hardline positions on immigration enforcement, with recent polls indicating voters are more receptive than ever to mass deportations, a border wall with Mexico, detention camps for illegal immigrants waiting for removal and the use of military troops to aid in deportation efforts.

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