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Bouncing To Better Health: Is Trampolining A Good Form Of Exercise

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Trampolines have been around since 1936; that’s almost 100 years now. At this time, they’ve been used as tools for exercise, sports, and competitions, and the technology has even been used to support health issues. Having a trampoline in your backyard is great fun as well! But how exactly does using a trampoline for exercise work? Does it produce the results you’re looking for?

Here’s how to bounce your way to better health with a trampoline.

Is trampolining a form of exercise?

The quick answer to this is to go and jump on a trampoline for an hour without stopping and tell us how you feel afterwards. Trampolining has been a method of exercise since that start. Offering athletes the opportunity to improve their fitness levels by applying different exercises while jumping.

What kind of trampoline is best for exercise?

The most common trampoline used for exercise is called a Rebounder. These mini trampolines are low and close to the ground, which makes them more stable and secure. They also have less rebound than larger trampolines, so you can’t jump as high.

Rebounders are specially designed for aerobic exercise. This allows users to perform faster exercises that consume more energy.

How does exercising on a trampoline benefit your health?

Now, to get down to the main question. How does using a trampoline for exercise benefit your health? It’s helpful to keep in mind that no matter the trampoline you’re on, your heart rate will rise, and you’ll get a workout from it. Here’s how exercising on a trampoline can benefit your health:

Strengthens your pelvic floor

Studies have shown that using a trampoline for exercise can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. When you jump, the pelvic floor muscles engage and disengage repetitively. This motion allows for the muscle to strengthen from consistent use, benefiting intimacy and reducing urinary inconsistency and other issues related to that area.

Improves balance

Exercising on a trampoline or rebounding as also been shown to improve your dynamic balance. The kind of balance that’s involved with moving. Because of the nature of the exercise, the interchange between each foot on an un-level surface, your body adapts and develops better balance while on the move.

Softer on the joints

Other exercises that adapt the same movements as rebound training can put immense pressure on your joints. For instance, running or HIIT training involves allowing your joints to handle the full pressure of each movement while you exercise.

Trampolines, on the other hand, absorb the pressure on your joints and relay the energy you put into it, making your next movement slightly easier. This allows for a softer impact on your joints and less strain on your muscles while you exercise. But don’t be fooled; the intensity of the exercise is still there, so you’re still burning a decent amount of calories.

Adds some fun to exercising

One of the most challenging aspects of exercise is getting through the walls. You know when you reach those tough sessions where you struggle to continue – that’s the “wall”. This threshold is different for everyone. One way to get over the wall is to bring in the fun without losing the intensity. Exercising on a trampoline is a great way to add a little bounce to your step while burning calories.

Rebound is exhilaratingly fun, engaging, and active, so it often helps you stay focused on your goal. It allows you to push through the wall and be more productive while exercising. Gyms also often have rebound classes, allowing you to exercise with other people doing the same thing. Together, you push each other, working as a team to reach your goals.

For rebound specifically, you’ll want to invest in a rebounder or mini trampoline, but exercising on any trampoline is sure to add some fun to your exercise routine. Vuly trampolines come in all shapes and sizes, with fantastic attachments to make exercising all the more fun.

It gets your heart pumping

Finally, for those of you who’ve ever tried rebound or just jumped around on a trampoline for 30 minutes, you know that it gets your heart pumping. In order to burn calories and improve your fitness; getting your heart rate going is a must. With fast, intense movements that engage every muscle of your body, you can do a killer burn session in just 30 minutes of jumping.

Final thoughts

Trampolines have proven themselves to be an effective tool for working out. Whether you’re using a rebound trampoline or jumping on a garden trampoline in the backyard, you’re bound to burn a few calories. Don’t knock it till you try it, hey.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.