Martha Coakley and Scott Brown battle for Massachusetts votes on TV and radio

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Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley are battling for Bay States votes on Massachusetts airwaves. Brown is attempting to link himself to JFK, even though Vicki Kennedy has endorsed Coakley for the seat previously held by her late husband Ted. Here’s a round-up of the latest print, broadcast and radio campaigns:


• Brown superimposes himself over a speech JFK gave in 1962 in support of lower taxes here.

• Ted Kennedy’s widow Vicki endorses Coakley in this Jan. 14 ad, saying the Democratic candidate will crack down on Wall Street and insurance companies.

• The World Trade Center ad in which the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee superimposed a picture of Brown’s face over of the towers, accusing him of opposing financial reform. The ad has since been taken down.

• Coakley links Brown to GOP establishment, calling him a “lockstep Republican” — and misspells Massachusetts — in this Jan. 12 ad. The Coakley campaign corrected the ad, but the link is to the original.

• Coakley says she did not benefit from the Bush tax cuts in ’01 and ’03. In this ad, the Brown campaign says everyone who paid federal income taxes benefited from those cuts.

• Scott Brown  addresses the negative ads the Coakley campaign has been running in this response ad.

• Back when the tone was still civil, Coakley ran this Jan. 6 ad saying she will stand up for American families.

• In this Jan. 10 spot, Brown highlights his military service and focus on national security.


• Coakley links Brown to President George Bush here and here.

• Coakely says Brown doesn’t want victims of rape to receive medical care in this ad, a claim over which Brown is suing the Massachusetts Democratic party.


• Brown’s daughters are featured in a Jan. 13 radio ad chastising Coakley for her negative ads.

• While this isn’t an ad, this Jan. 14 radio interview Coakley gave garnered a huge amount of attention. Coakley said that thanks to separation of church and state, people who are opposed to emergency contraception shouldn’t be working in emergency rooms.

Listen to President Obama’s robocall on behalf of Marth Coakley, admitting that his agenda hangs on this one vote.

• Scott Brown’s Jan. 15 radio ad features clips of interviews with “people on the street”.

Scott Brown’s YouTube channel is here.

Martha Coakley’s YouTube channel is here.