DC Trawler

Chat with big-time novelist DC Pierson tomorrow at 4 PM EST

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I mentioned the other day that I was going to talk to my close personal friend DC Pierson about his first novel, The Boy Who Couldn’t Sleep and Never Had To. Originally we were just going to horse around on Gchat and post the results, but then one of the smart people I work with reminded me that we can do actual professional-looking chats, with questions from the audience and stuff. So we’re going to do that tomorrow at 4 in the afternoon, 1 on the West Coast. Here.

What happens when DC Pierson meets the DC Trawler? The world will never be the same. Well, okay, it’ll still be the same, except this chat will exist. But that’s something, my friends. That’s something.

P.S. Check out DC talking about his new movie Mystery Team at the AV Club. That’s right, he’s promoting his first novel and his first movie. At the same time. Did I mention I hate his guts?

Jim Treacher