DC Trawler

The best Voyeurgate headline so far

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RNC releases staffer from bondage of employment

Congrats to Ed Morrissey at HotAir.com on that one.

Hey, did you know we’re not supposed to do stories like this because we’re some sort of right-wing site? There are plenty of other media outlets who’ll jump at any chance to embarrass Republicans, so that means when one of our reporters discovers a big story that does so, he should just sit on it for the good of the party.

Or so I’m told!

Sorry, rightosphere, but if the GOP is going to be the party of fiscal responsibility, it needs to get a handle on this kind of stuff. If one of our reporters finds a story that might make Republicans look bad, we’re under no obligation to sweep it under the rug. Then we’d be no better than media outlets that try to hide what they know about Democrats. Not that they’d ever do that

P.S. Not to tell Michael Steele his business, but “I couldn’t have been spending exorbitant amounts of donor money at that bondage-themed nightclub in LA, because I was spending exorbitant amounts of donor money flying back from our winter retreat in Hawaii” might not play as well as he hopes.

Jim Treacher