
Daily Caller High: Vol. X

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Editor’s Note: Daily Caller High is a group of young writers cutting their teeth in the world of political punditry. This week, the authors’ reflect on events of the past few days.

Where’s my iPad?

by Brandon Kiser

Jack Conway (D), my own Attorney General here in Kentucky, made an appearance on Fox News’ “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on April 1 and astounded me with some of the statements he made. As expected, he declared he would not sue in conjunction with multiple other state AGs regarding the individual mandate (and other controversial parts) of the latest health care “reform” law.

Right out of the gate after Cavuto asked Conway if he agreed with the folks who protested for him to take action outside the State Capital that same day, Conway responded: “I’m not. I’m not going to spend the taxpayer resources of the Commonwealth of Kentucky on a political stunt. And that’s what I think it is. It’s a political stunt for Rand Paul.” Not only is that absurd—but if anything, Conway’s response was the political stunt. He, like Rand Paul, is running to represent Kentucky in the United States Senate. Plus, the load that is being placed on Kentucky’s already overwhelmed Medicare by the insurance mandate will cost far more than a joint lawsuit if the mandate is allowed to stand.

Finally, when asked if the government can force an individual to buy health insurance, Conway stated that “my copy of the Constitution doesn’t carry a right not to be insured.” Well, Mr. Conway, my copy of the Constitution doesn’t carry a right not to have iPad, a Ferrari or even a home – so will the government supply that for me as well?

Honestly, Attorney General, if you’re going to defend your decision not to protect the people of Kentucky from federal government encroachment on personal liberty at least make it coherent. And where’s my iPad and Ferrari?

What Else is New?

by Jackie Seal

As I’m sure everyone is aware of by now President Obama hit the campaign trail again this week. Well, he doesn’t call it the campaigning but if it looks like a campaign, talks like a campaign, you can see where this is going right? So for lack of a better description I’m calling it campaigning. He went out trying to gain support of his health care plan that is already law. You’ve got to know your bill is pretty bad when you have to campaign for it even after it passes.

So, the other day in Charlotte the President was answering questions at a town hall and a woman asked if raising taxes was really a good idea seeing how we are taxed enough already. I would give you the President’s answer but it was 17 minutes and 2,500 words long. I guess my only question is what else is new? To be quite frank every time I watch our president at a town hall he loses me about 5 minutes into every answer. He never just answers a question head on, unless of course he has his TOTUS. At least this time he realized it was a long answer and ended by saying, “Boy that was a long answer. I’m sorry. I hope I answered your question.” Just once I’d like someone to say, “Well, no you really didn’t.”

Not that this is really new for any president or politician for that matter. Just once I’d like a president to give a straight answer instead of rambling on to the point of completely losing the person who asked the question. A girl can dream, right?

Choose to be a friend

by Lyda Loudon

Fifteen-year-old Phoebe Prince was a beautiful girl with dreams, love, and life. Those who knew her well loved and admired her. Phoebe was an Irish immigrant who came to America just last year when her parents brought her here so that she could get to experience the American lifestyle. They brought her to America—the land of opportunity. But Phoebe began to experience something you may be familiar with – bullying from her peers. They told her things that hurt her, and did they put her through things a 15-year-old never should have been put through. The way the treated her told her she wasn’t good enough. When Phoebe had had all she could take, she did the unthinkable—she took her own life.

Sometimes teens don’t realize they’re hurting each other that much when they say the kinds of things that led Phoebe to kill herself. Girls are especially sensitive to the things that guys say about them. 15 is a very sensitive time in a girl’s life. Girls need to feel loved and appreciated. Phoebe felt broken. Too broken to feel like she could show up at school the next day. But that type of situation isn’t uncommon among girls her age. It’s hard. Really hard.

Who would you hold responsible? The school? The bullies? The parents? What could have been done to prevent this tragedy? This is a place where we can really examine issues we will all confront in our lifetime—that of life, death, freedom, liberty, love, hate, and intervention. What more could her friends have done? What more could her school have done? What more could each of us have done?

Schools will inevitably revisit their bullying polity to see what they may have missed that could have saved Phoebe’s life. Her friends will wonder what they could have said or done to be there for her in ways that might have changed things. Her family will question everything and everyone, as if it will bring her back.

Schools are like little governments, and for many students, schools are their first real taste of governance. Should her school suspend? Fine? Punish? Should her school have a “zero tolerance” policy on bulling? While schools beef up on their “hate” crimes, being sure that no one ever looks at someone wrong again, think about what you can do to prevent this from happening to yourself and your own peers.

Pray for this sweet girl, and pray for her family. Even pray for the bullies. Imagine having to carry the burden your whole life that you were responsible for something like this. We can end this war, and it all begins with how you treat your friends at school tomorrow. Hope that all those who could take some blame understand that they are forgiven. And each of us should pause to pray that we can, in some small way, be worthy of the grace we have been shown by the sacrifice in our behalf. We can do more. I will choose to do more. Will you choose to be a friend?

Brandon Kiser is a Kentucky high school student. He writes as an assistant editor for 73wire.com, blogs at the American Kiser, and can be found on Twitter @BrandonKiser. Jackie Seal is a high school senior who blogs at Red, White and Conservative and can be found on Twitter at @JackieSeal. Ian Pringle is an 18-year-old conservative. He blogs at 17 Pages and can be found on Twitter as @Pard68. Lyda Loudon is a 14-year-old conservative. She writes for Big Journalism, and co-founded both The Future Speaks,  and the Tea Party Youth.