
To sue or not to sue

Jerry Maldonado Contributor
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Being the night owl I’ve always been, I had a chance to check out Fox News “Red Eye” during one of my early-morning writing sessions. Host Greg Gutfeld in his nightly “Greg-alogue” touched on an issue that woke me from my writing coma.

Greg focused on a story about a spouse who sued her ex, and lover, for over $8 million (and won) for an illicit affair, which eventually broke up the marriage. To me, this was just another case to clog our courts and make many lawyers wealthy, but it brings up an important issue and a good wake-up call in this time of do whatever to whomever.

Consider this: The workplace has been a battle zone for years on the issue of conduct on the job. Employers know the legal disaster from such litigation and the bad press from this type of activity. That is why appropriate rules are in place and even departments set up to deal with such behavior.

My question for you is why doesn’t this go beyond the workplace? In other words, for some reason the law of integrity seems to fly out the window when people leave their jobs for the day. Is that due to those who just want to let their hair down, pardon the pun, or is this type of behavior is accepted? I would say neither on this issue.

A perfect example in such a case would be Tiger Woods and his testosterone rampage that finally caught up with him. But the media seems to never focus on the serious issue or the ramifications from such behavior. In other words, what do children see and hear that seems to make headlines on a daily basis? Most important, what do they learn?

Also, my “reticular activation system” kicked in full gear as I spoke to others. All, those I’ve spoken to; know someone who has followed the Tiger Woods path and their family has paid the ultimate price behind closed doors. This is the stuff you won’t hear about in the media because it is not juicy enough to grab headlines.

The adage “sex sells” is painfully true in a world where people can’t control themselves anymore; moreover, it’s become accepted. Throw in some case law to those who would ponder such behavior and watch how fast people change their ways.

My situation is no different than what is occurring to so many. The third party involved in my case is now referred to as “Uncle” to the little one’s (not my children), who look up to this new figure that now appears daily in their lives. His presence is readily accepted to all in this family I once knew for almost two decades.

One thing I am most proud in this soap opera of lost souls is my children. They understand what is going on and voice their concerns of disbelief, but know they have no choice in this matter to accept what has happened. They (my children) have no option but to come along for the ride as one household still holds the belief of respect and the other of self-preservation.

Unfortunately, a generation of young minds is being indoctrinated without faith, respect, and integrity, which are the foundation for a successful life. The need for acceptance holds no boundaries anymore. Insecure minds will do just about anything to prove themselves.

How do we get this back? One child and one parent at a time. Teach your children how faith works. Show them the value of respect. And reward them for telling the truth. There is no better gift we can give our children and they will thank you in the end.

Jerry Scott Maldonado is the author of “Columns, Quotes & The American Dream.” Tate Publishing Group, due out October 2010. He is a featured columnist for The D.C.G Network of news sites: Sundaynewscape.com, Onequestionnews.com, and Imperialvalleynews.com. Jerry’s work has also been featured internationally.