
Un-airbrushed images of celebs vs. their digitally-altered selves [SLIDESHOW]

The Daily Caller dailycaller.com
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Images of celebrities, in magazines and on billboards, are notoriously airbrushed so as not to expose us to – gasp – their real bodies.  One star, however, is revealing her pre-airbrushed self in a photo shoot to show that she ‘is proud of her body – imperfections and all.’

The Daily Mail reports:

Britney Spears has allowed the pre-airbrushed images from a shoot she took part in for fashion firm Candie’s to be used ALONGSIDE the digitally-altered ones, so people can see the difference.

The 29-year-old singer made the extraordinary move in order to highlight the pressure exerted on women to look perfect.

That’s great, Britney. Good for you.  While we wait for other celebs to get in line and do the same, here’s a look at some behind-the-scenes footage taken during shoots, prior to their transformation into the pictures we see today.