The Daily Caller Interns visit new C-SPAN Digital Bus on its way across the country

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Interning isn’t all about making coffee and taking Tucker Carlson’s gold-lined linen suits to the dry cleaners. Sometimes, The Daily Caller lets its unpaid workers out of their cage, especially when the C-SPAN bus rolls right up to the office door.

The C-SPAN Digital bus is a customized Prevost coach filled with all sorts of gadgets and computer screens. It’s currently headed on a cross-country tour through all 50 states. Think of it as a mobile Newseum, or an interactive rolling billboard.

In any case, The Daily Caller interns had a blast inside. And like the highly aggressive journalists they are, they pushed C-SPAN’s Merry Pranksters to reveal the craziest thing that’s happened on the Magic Bus. “No Comment” was the best they could get, though the question remains: what are those folks doing behind the camera when C-SPAN goes to still pictures between various Senate subcommittee hearings on the nature of subcommittee hearings?


Shot and edited by Alexis Levinson (an intern!)