DC Trawler

Because you demanded it: a new picture of my busted-up knee

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Haven’t done an update in a month or so. Here you go:

When I met S.E. Cupp in the Daily Caller offices yesterday — which is the sort of thing that happens to me now that I AM A VERY IMPORTANT BLOGGER — she asked about my knee and I showed her my scar. Because how many times in life do you get a chance to drop your pants for S.E. Cupp? Just kidding, I never wear pants to the office. Anyway, she actually said out loud, “Oh. Em. Gee.” (Presumably in reference to the scar.) I didn’t ask how she reconciled that outburst with her atheism, because you never think of these things until 24 hours later.

So what’s new with the knee since the last time I bored you about it? Well, I’m still on crutches but I’ve been putting more and more weight on my left leg, which is helping a lot. Feels stronger and hurts less every day. I bent it to 120 degrees on my own in physical therapy yesterday, which is just 10 degrees from my goal. I can go 42 RPM on the stationary bike, pushing fully with both legs now. Lance Armstrong I’m not, but it’s a lot better than just a few weeks ago.

Next week I’m going back to my surgeon for a followup, and I’m hoping he’ll let me ditch at least one of my crutches. I asked my fantastic physical therapist, Sue Song, if maybe I’d start using a cane, but she said that’s usually just for older people. It’s always nice to hear you’re not old.

Still taking the blood thinners. My INR has been right around therapeutic range for about a month now. It was a little low last time, so I’m getting it checked again next week.

In sum: I feel pretty good. The main hassle continues to be the crutches. I look forward to the day I can carry a beverage, or push a shopping cart, or do any number of things I used to take for granted and hope I will again one day.

Until next time, knee-peepers!

P.S. DC is a bad place to be a pedestrian.

Jim Treacher