Though the tournament in South Africa is well underway, we’ve had some difficulty getting into the spirit of the games. That is, until we found out that there’s much more to the World Cup than just soccer.
Female fans from all over the world flock to watch the games while wearing revealing garments of their nation’s colors. For some, however, their spirit has gotten them into trouble.
On Monday, 36 blonds were ejected from a stadium for breaching Fifa regulations when they wore orange mini-dresses bearing the logo of Bavaria brewery, allegedly at the expense of Budweiser, the official beer sponsor. The Telegraph reports:
[Tuesday] Fifa confirmed that two Dutch women suspected of orchestrating the stunt had been arrested and would face charges and prosecution under legislation introduced specifically to protect the rights of the organisation’s sponsors.
The incident has remained the talk of the tournament and has shifted the focus away from soccer and on to the mini-dress. It’s about time.
In honor of documenting what the World Cup is really about, here’s a countdown of the hottest World Cup soccer fans out there: