Nearly everybody now thinks Obama is giving the impression that he hates business — There are no independent voters anymore, just Dems, Republicans, and people who hate Dems more than they hate Republicans — Cable news update: Lotsa car-washing, grumbling, job-hunting — Al Qaeda goes after those harmless ‘Wegians — Following the Blago trial is giving White House officials heartburn —Will a child disarm North Korea? (Figuratively, perhaps?)
— The idea that Pres. Obama hates people who make money and that those people hate him back has finally made its way out of the boardroom and into the clearance bin at Wal-Mart, reports The Daily Caller’s Jon Ward. Close your eyes, throw a cue ball in any given direction, and chances are you will seriously maim someone who has heard this theory. Newsweek’s Fareed Zakaria believes it, New York Daily News owner and publisher Mortimer Zuckerman believes it, Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg believes it. All of them feel that Obama is serially violating what made this country great: Low taxes, the entrepreneurial spirit, a light regulatory touch, and a certain je ne sais quoi that tastes like success, followed by subtle hints of danger, intrigue, and failure. But as several OTHER people have pointed out, this is only “a theory” or “an idea.” There is absolutely no evidence that Obama actually, personally hates making money. Share: |
— “A new poll from Resurgent Republic shows independents increasingly leaning to the right on three key issues, with majorities favoring a repeal of President Obama’s health care reform bill, continued offshore drilling, and a freeze in federal spending,” reports The Daily Caller’s Kyle Peterson. Even though “exit polls showed that independents — who made up approximately 29 percent of the voting electorate in 2008 — cast ballots in favor of President Obama by a margin of 52 to 44 in the 2008 presidential election,” Congressional Democrats are probably less worried about this than they were two years ago, because it’s not like they’re trying to get all those honkies to put this black man in the White House again come November. Share: |
— “Octavia Nasr, CNN’s senior editor of Mideast affairs, has left the cable news network after posting a Twitter message lamenting the death of Hezbollah terrorist Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadallah,” reports The Daily Caller’s Caroline May. “Sad to hear of the passing of Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah,” Nasr tweeted, “one of Hezbollah’s giants I respect a lot.” CNN ditched Nasr after several organizations complained that CNN was harboring someone who harbored sentiments for the deceased founder of a murderous terrorist group. In other cable network news, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas has been banned from MSNBC for being a total dick, and David Shuster is still willing to wash your car if you’ll pretend to film him while he does it. Share: |
— “Three suspected al-Qaida members were arrested Thursday morning in what Norwegian and U.S. officials said was a terrorist plot linked to similar plans in New York and England,” reports the AP. “Officials said it was not clear the men had selected a target for the attacks but they were attempting to make peroxide bombs, powerful homemade explosives.” Why are the Jihadis going after the ‘Wegians, the least contemptible people in all of Europe? One terrorism expert thinks it’s because Norway has 500 troops in Afghanistan. Others have suggested that Islamic extremism is a blindly consuming melanoma on the beautiful face of western civilization, and that is why Al Qaeda tried to blow up Norway. But who knows? It was probably the troops. Al Qaeda wouldn’t have done any of this if we hadn’t invaded Afghanistan first. Share: |
— James Ellroy is so excited by the literary possibilities of a Blago-Obama-Rahm-Union thug mashup that he cannot stop bouncing in his seat. Then again, aren’t we all scanning the front page of the Internet for news of untoward behavior? Even though nothing big has dropped, reports Politico, “the threat of political damage remains serious” for the White House and for Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) Is some Lewinsky-grade scandalizing too much to ask? Share: |
— Internet sensation and helmet-headed singing phenom Justin Bieber will not be performing in North Korea anytime soon, reports CBS News. “Bieber held a contest on his website encouraging fans to vote for where the next stop on his ‘My World’ tour should be, with no restrictions on which countries could be voted for. The contest ended up with more than half a million votes to send the 16-year-old teen icon to the communist nation.” The goons at 4chan apparently pooled their powers and managed to game the vote. So, don’t go looking to Bieber to solve the North Korea problem. This is still on the adults. Share: |