Despite these “caps” that are continuing to be placed on the leaked pipe within the shores of the gulf, BP is and will continue to be a story which the nation has a right to hear about. Even after the spill is contained, its aftermath will continue and the nation needs to be updated on its progress; especially considering how Obama continues to disallow assistance from foreign allies despite our obvious inability to handle the situation alone. Now, not only is international assistance restricted, so is the media.
On July 1st, Thad Allen, acting commander of the Coast Guard’s response to the oil drill, announced that the media will not be allowed to photograph oil-covered wildlife, oil-covered wetlands, or certain boons designed to protect the beaches along the Gulf Coast states.
What surprises me the most about this is that the majority of the media is Obama’s largest fan base. While they ignore stories such as a whistleblower claiming appointees of his administration blocked the process of a voter discrimination case involving the New a Black Panther Party, the reality is access allowance from these segments of society should be the least of his worries. While they attacked BP leaders for being on a yacht while he golfed yet again, access should in fact be further allowed and even possibly assisted. Nonetheless, it is restriction that the media sees when it comes to BP affected property.
In fact, PBS reported on the same day their challenge to hear back from the federal mobile medical unit in the fishing town of Venice, Louisiana; a glorified double-wide trailer sits on a spit of newly graveled land known to some as the “BP compound.”
To tell you the truth, this should not be surprising to anyone. Despite being practically in his pocket, Obama has become known for consistently restricting the press. When running for the nomination, the traveling press corps was shut out of monitoring Obama’s satellite interviews with local media outlets. Even more recently in his presidency, Obama seemed to place a border around his Supreme Court Justice nomination, going so far as to restrict members of the press from attending the brother of Elena Kagan’s Constitutional Law class. In fact, short of a fluff interview that evaded an unwritten law regarding Supreme Court nominations, Kagan remains a mystery – a result of Obama’s control.
More locally in his administration, offsite meetings and private emails as well as unavailable reports of payoffs coming from lobbyists show the main aspect of this situation is that another promise of “Change” is also being spit upon from this action. One of the greatest highlights to Obama’s contract with America was transparency. Accusing the previous administration of backdoor deals and taking government away from the nation, Obama is leading a force to not only buy out the nation but to also place a curtain between us and the tragedies we are forced to face and clean up.
Thankfully, once the Americans really respond, there will be one mess will begin to be cleaned up in November.
Heather Bachman, Political Editor of and New Policy Director for Frontiers of Freedom, is an increasingly recognized political strategist and analyst and producer and host of the Internet radio program Heather on the Hill.