DC Trawler

In honor of Katie Couric

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Here’s a repeat from last November:

Katie Couric might be the best journalist ever

Ah, yes. Katie’s gravitas-laden ode to journalistic impartiality brings to mind that other beloved classic:

‘Twas the night she got $#!+faced, and all through the club,
Katie Couric was looking for guys to butt-rub;

But the gentlemen found her too haggard and squat,
So she showed some young ladies that “It” she’s still got;

She stuck out her buttocks like eggs in a basket,
While poor Walter Cronkite did flips in his casket;

The Bump, the Electric Slide, and the Lambada,
It was Couric: 53, Dignity: Nada;

She chirped with a giggle, her arms and legs flailin’,
“You’d never see this from that redneck slut Palin!”

Then I heard her exclaim as she threw back her drink,
“I make more than you all! Incidentally, I stink.”

Jim Treacher