The other day Harry Reid showed off the unerring political instincts that have become his trademark, saying this about Christine O’Donnell’s Democratic opponent:
“I’m going to be very honest with you — Chris Coons, everybody knows him in the Democratic caucus. He’s my pet.”
This is precisely the sort of thing you want Harry Reid to say, provided you work for Christine O’Donnell. The Coons camp is not quite as excited about it, as Byron York discovered:
“We’re hoping the Majority Leader will apologize to Chris’ wife, because she’s the only one who gets to call him that,” McElhatton responded with a laugh. It’s the campaign’s official line, but I then asked about how the “pet” remark might play in the race against O’Donnell. It’s well known that Republicans are going to hit Coons hard for raising taxes as New Castle County executive. Won’t Reid’s enthusiastic embrace feed the narrative that Coons will go along with every big-spending, tax-raising Democratic initiative in Washington? “Chris is not anyone’s pet and will not be a rubber stamp for anyone,” McElhatton answered.
To prove the point, Coons then tore apart a couch cushion and pooped on the rug.
Harry Reid just can’t catch a break. First his son Rory launched a Nevada gubernatorial campaign without using his last name, and now his own pets are disavowing him. What has he ever done to deserve such treatment? Ha ha, just kidding.