
A winning “All-American” strategy

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From their protected perches inside the DC beltway, the entrenched party operatives are forced to view a new voter landscape where established rules of the game aren’t being followed.

Many ideologues of both left and right are still in denial about the root source of the 2009-2010 citizen uprising, subverting their long-cherished strategies of how political party vs. political party plays out in an election year. So what’s an insider to do? Engage a strategy reliable during more predictable election cycles?

Allow an outsider to offer simple advice and observations future winners may find valuable.

Game Players: “It’s game time,” the latest email sent to me by the Republican Party of my home county just announced.

Wrong. It is only a game to you. To us, it is personal. Why? Three simple reasons:

  1. We can’t afford your decisions or insipid narcissistic power-brokering any longer.
  2. Government, which can’t live within a budget, can’t be trusted with our welfare.
  3. Unique American values with 200-year deeply embedded roots are sacred to us.

So…you still want a game?

Then game on … A crash-course in citizen politics occurs November 2nd, but until then, why not get a jump on 2012?

For future winners in American politics: Those who will take the following challenge and strategy seriously will gain authority and consent to the office they seek:

  • Be an All-American. Understand that we see America as a unique and separate place of hope for the world and historically see American values as exceptional.
  • Drop the “one world” and “new world order” garbage. If you’re in to that, we aren’t playing to it, and in fact will resist.
  • Listen to the voice of common sense. When the people communicate something with passion, believe it. Place a sticky note somewhere in DC so you will remember once there.
  • Become accountable and actually obey the Constitution you take an oath to. If the Constitution doesn’t present reasoning for new legislation, don’t legislate.
  • States have resources, cultures and diverse populations with needs peculiar to them. One-size-fits-all federal government regulation does not work. Respect states’ rights.
  • The free-market system is American. We won’t play to your Euro-style “capitalism will be different” experiment. (Treasury Secretary Geithner, June 15, 2009)
  • Learn to add and subtract. Keep a balanced budget. Spend no more than you take in.
  • Citizens fill the treasury, not a printing machine. Keep the dollar strong and independent from uniform world currencies now being promoted.
  • Abolish the incomprehensible income tax codes smothering free enterprise. Incentivize Main Street to produce goods and services via a fair tax and credits.
  • Pay down our national debt with the surplus we will create for the treasury.
  • Eliminate federal bureaus and agencies existing solely for their own sake. Those paid twice as much as we their employers must learn to produce results or join our ranks.
  • You know how we feel about lobbyists. Fix it.
  • Change the culture of dishonor. Bring charges against those in or out of office who have legalized criminal behavior while in office.  If you don’t, we will.
  • Allow the citizen to show the way out of poverty to the poor and those who have been damned by the evil dependency cycle through charitable programs that train, lift, and inspire real hope.
  • Protect life. To fund anything but protection of life is to devalue all American life.

Finally, understand the basics of…

The American Psyche: We left Europe and lands of repression for a reason. Here it is:


We love freedom and have proven that we will fight and even die for it. Have you elites who pursue ever-increasing regulations and government intrusions mistaken us with people of lesser virtue and courage?

We love heroes who free us, and we see leaders who create repressive rules and laws as villains. Ask who frees and who represses, and you can pick your winner quite easily.

Bottom Line: We heartland redneck folks take no pleasure in talking down to the privileged ruling class like this. And we don’t want your jobs. Shed your presumptions about power plays of party vs. party. The game has changed. Winners of the future belong to one party; those who do what is right for their country, a party of All Americans.

James Michael Pratt is a New York Times bestselling novelist and non-fiction author, CEO of PowerThink Publishing, public speaker, Op Ed writer for The Daily Caller, Founder of Reagan Revolution 2 and editor of popular US Constitution Coach Kit – Reagan Leadership Edition. Email: james@powerthink.com.