Chief executive sparred with chief fake-news comedian over the velocity of change Wednesday evening, separated only by a desk designed like a slice of the Capitol dome — and by a gap in perception over the accomplishments of the Obama administration in its first 21 months.
“Daily Show” host Jon Stewart devoted the entire 22-minute show to interviewing the president in the main theater at the Harman Center for the Arts on F Street NW. Stewart gently pressed President Obama to account for campaign promises that have not been delivered upon and to explain why Democrats are struggling to convince the American public that they’ve effectively used their majorities in Congress.
“You’re two years into your administration,” Stewart said in his opening volley, “and the question that arises in my mind is: ‘Are we the people we were waiting for, or does it turn out those people are still out there and we don’t have their number?’ How are you feeling about that?”
Full Story: Jon Stewart, President Obama debate on ‘The Daily Show’