Massachusetts approves ban on Four Loko and alcoholic caffeinated beverages

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The Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission yesterday moved to restrict sales of caffeine-loaded alcoholic drinks such as Four Loko, which has been blamed for deaths and serious illness and is already banned in four states.

By next Monday, stores will no longer be permitted to take delivery of Four Loko or any other stimulant-laced malt beverage, of which there are dozens. But the move is far from a statewide ban.

Beverages are expected to be repackaged and sold in resealable containers, placing it in the same category as vodka, rum, and other hard liquors, which are subject to higher taxes.

Vendors licensed to sell only wine and beer or malt beverages would no longer be able to sell Four Loko.

Kim Gainsboro, the commission’s head, said yesterday that her agency will file an emergency regulation next week to control sales of caffeinated alcoholic drinks that are classified as malt beverages.

Full story: Four Loko sales may be curbed