Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski is making progress in narrowing gaps with his two Democratic colleagues over his controversial plan to adopt sweeping new rules for the Internet, National Journal has learned. But with the talks very fluid, and differences remaining, there’s still a possibility that the regulatory initiative could be pulled at the last minute from the agenda of Tuesday’s commission meeting.
Genachowski needs the support of Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn to approve his “network neutrality” proposal, which would create enforceable rules designed to protect the openness that is the Internet’s hallmark. While both Copps and Clyburn are net neutrality advocates, they’ve complained that the chairman’s framework cuts too many breaks for major telecommunications and cable providers of broadband. The two Republicans on the five-member commission remain staunchly opposed, arguing that the proposed rules amount to unnecessary government regulation of the Internet.
Full Story: EXCLUSIVE: FCC Dems Narrowing Net Neutrality Gaps – Tech Daily Dose