If you haven’t heard, the next chapter in former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann’s tumultuous television career is about to start – with a new show on former Vice President Al Gore’s Current TV.
The news didn’t go unnoticed by conservative talker Rush Limbaugh. He had the following advice for the Fox News Channel on Olbermann’s new gig: Ignore it.
“By the way, Keith Olber-dork who left MSNBC is going to Al Gore’s cable channel Current TV where — yeah, it’s still on,” Limbaugh said. “I just have one piece of advice for the people at Fox: Do not ever talk about what goes on over there and nobody will ever hear about it.”
Limbaugh said Olbermann wouldn’t have made much impact at MSNBC if he hadn’t so avidly attacked Fox News hosts.
“Olbermann wouldn’t be anything today if they hadn’t decided to start picking fights with those people over there that network wouldn’t have half the audience it’s got as it does now,” Limbaugh continued. “Anyway, the Chinese opera format was not working at Current TV. The global warming stuff just hadn’t caught hold. So now they’re all-in with Olber-dork as the political director and prime time talent at Al Gore’s cable channel.”
Olbermann’s chief competitor while at MSNBC was Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly, a host who rarely has acknowledged Olbermann. Even delivering news of his departure from MSNBC, O’Reilly avoided using Olbermann’s name. That’s a theme Limbaugh encouraged Fox News to maintain.
“Trust me ladies and gentlemen – as a highly trained broadcast specialist, this is a move under normal circumstances you wouldn’t publicize and you would hope frankly no one ever heard about,” he continued. “But the word’s out.”
At the end of the segment, Limbaugh suggested Olbermann wasn’t being paid by traditional means.
“They’re paying Olbermann in carbon credits,” Limbaugh said. “They don’t have any money to pay Olbermann.”