“The Office’s” beloved boss, Michael Scott, will take his final bow after a special 50-minute episode that airs tonight on NBC. Steve Carell has starred in the award-winning comedy series since 2005, and his portrayal of the quirky but lovable boss has kept viewers tuning in year after year. After nearly seven seasons, Michael Scott’s co-workers have become family, and his departure from Dunder Mifflin will surely be an emotional one. With a myriad of Golden Globe and Emmy nominations under his belt, the critically-acclaimed actor has proven his talent on the small screen and decided it’s time to say goodbye to Scranton.
Carell is not the first star to leave a TV show at the height of its success. From George Clooney’s departure on “ER,” to Katherine Heigl’s controversial exit on “Grey’s Anatomy,” there are a wide array of stars who left their hit television series for bigger and brighter things. Take a look at the iconic characters who bid farewell too soon.