Tim Pawlenty launched his first radio ad in Iowa on Monday morning, billing himself as a Republican who managed to institute conservative reforms in the liberal state of Minnesota.
The ad, titled “Results Not Rhetoric,” comes on the heels of Pawlenty’s first television ad buy, which began running in Iowa markets last Wednesday. (Pawlenty to give first major foreign policy address)
“Minnesota. Not exactly a conservative place,” says the announcer. “Then came Tim Pawlenty, widely recognized as the most conservative governor in Minnesota history.”
“When I ran for governor,” Pawlenty says in the ad, “I said, look, we have to tell the truth, and the truth is, the liberal approach has failed our state.”
The ad touts that, as governor, Pawlenty cut spending and “did health care reform the right way. No mandates. No takeovers,” and appointed conservative judges to the state supreme court.
Pawlenty’s ad comes just a day after the release of the Des Moines Register poll, conducted by Selzer & Co., that found Pawlenty getting only 6 percent of the vote in the first-in-the-nation caucus state on a trial heat ballot.