Tim Pawlenty plans to speak out against isolationism within the Republican Party in a foreign policy speech Tuesday.
Senior Pawlenty adviser Phil Musser previewed the former Minnesota governor’s speech, saying that Pawlenty will explain how he would deal with foreign policy as president. (Pawlenty launches first Iowa radio ad)
“He’s going to give a speech tomorrow at the Council on Foreign Relations that pushes back on the isolationist strand in the Republican Party,” Musser said. “He’s going to give an endorsement on the role of freedom and human rights in our world.
“He’s going to dissect the failed opportunities of the recent Arab Spring in the Middle East,” Musser continued. “You’ll see him walk region by region and lay out a blueprint for how President Pawlenty would face the challenges in that region, and talk about Israel.”
The speech, which will take place at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, will be Pawlenty’s first major speech on foreign policy. It comes at a time when the issue is very much at the political forefront, following President Barack Obama’s announcement that he will begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, a move Pawlenty opposed.