Mitt Romney is an ordinary American, who flies and eats cheap just like us.
Take a look at the Republican presidential candidate’s Twitter feed in recent days, and it’s clear his campaign is making an effort to show that.
“I have spent most of my life outside of politics, dealing with real problems in the real economy,” Romney tweeted, which may have also been a swipe at opponent Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has a long history of serving in elected office in Texas.
Then there’s this photo Romney posted of him thanking “the great @SouthwestAir crew for an easy flight” at Louis Armstrong International Airport. The takeaway? He may be a wealthy former businessman, but he’s not flying private. He too flies commercial. (RELATED: Rick Santorum is just like us too! He ‘smoked pot’ in college)
And then there’s the photo posted Thursday of Romney eating a fresh — and cheap — Subway sandwich.
“Thanks @subwayfreshbuzz for breakfast. Better than the usual campaign diet of morning donuts,” he wrote.
This isn’t the first time Romney made an effort to not appear so formal, stuffy or wealthy in the age of a weak economy and the tea parties. He’s also noticeably ditched the tie at while on the trail.