1.) Double trouble for Derpy Debbie — If today is Thursday, somebody in Congress must be doing something unethical. TheDC’s Amanda Carey reports: “The Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA) will submit a new ethics complaint against Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, The Daily Caller has learned. The complaint, which will be filed on Thursday with the Office of Congressional Ethics, takes issue with DNC ads that appear to violate House rules. Thursday’s complaint will be the second the RNLA has leveled at Wasserman Schultz. Earlier this week the group sent a letter to the OCE about a 30-second ad touting President Barack Obama’s jobs plan. The video featured footage from Obama’s Sept. 8 speech to a joint session of Congress. House ethics rules prohibit members of Congress from using footage of official House proceedings for political purposes.” That’s the great thing about being a liberal: Rules are rules, until they keep you from doing whatever you want!
2.) Bill Clinton remembers he’s married — If you’ve given up all hope of Bill Clinton ever becoming First Laddie, he hasn’t. TheDC’s Will Rahn reports: “Former President Bill Clinton criticized President Barack Obama’s approach to the deficit this week and hinted that his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, may still have presidential ambitions. When asked by Newsmax’s Chris Ruddy on Tuesday if Hillary might consider a presidential campaign in 2016, a smiling Clinton did not rule out the possibility. ‘You’ll have to ask her,’ Clinton said. ‘But when we were kids and I met her and we started our now 40-year-plus conversation — I met her 41 years ago this last spring — pretty quick I decided that she was the ablest person in my generation. And nothing has happened in those 41 years to change my opinion.'” Sorry, Monica! Well, Hillary has been able to do a lot of things, except win an election against the amateur who’s ruining the economy right now. If she wants to try again after everybody’s forgotten her loss, why not?
3.) Solyndra’s sunburn worsens — The more we learn about bankrupt half-billion boondoggle Solyndra, the more obvious it is that their business model relied on tapping into nature’s most renewable energy source: lies. TheDC’s C.J. Ciaramella reports: “Just months before it declared bankruptcy, now-bankrupt and scandal-ridden solar company Solyndra painted a rosy picture of its future for members of Congress. In a June memo titled ‘Exceeding Expectations: Solyndra Today’ and a letter to several members of Congress, Solyndra claimed it was ‘on track’ and ‘ramping up production’ to meet revenue and job-creation goals set by the Department of Energy, which had loaned the solar start-up $535 million. A July letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee said, ‘Solyndra’s revenues grew from $6 million in 2008 to $100 million in 2009 to $140 million in 2010. For 2011, revenues are projected to nearly double again.'” OOPS. Another Solyndra lie: “Yes, Congressman, we’ll be glad to answer your questions.”
4.) Schmidt happens (to testify before the Senate) — Google’s motto is “Don’t be evil.” How’s that working out? TheDC’s Tina Nguyen reports: “In a long-anticipated hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Google Executive Chairman and former CEO Eric Schmidt insisted that the search engine company ‘gets it’ — that is, they get that their company is facing enormous scrutiny for its business practices. Sitting alone at the witness table in front of a skeptical panel of senators, who had threatened to subpoena him if he did not personally testify, Schmidt defended Google against growing allegations that the company not only has a monopoly over Internet searches, but also that it is actively barring competition through its search algorithm — the programming that determines which Web pages are listed first after entering a search query. ‘Absolutely not,’ Schmidt reiterated multiple times, adamant that Google operated in a way that Washington didn’t quite understand.” Well, he’s got a point there. You hardly need a search engine to find something Washington doesn’t quite understand…
5.) Andy, did you hear about this one? — For almost 30 years, nobody has been able to figure out what the hell Michael Stipe is saying. Now his message is loud and clear: “I quit!” The Associated Press reports on R.E.M.’s demise: “The Grammy-winning rock group announced on its website Wednesday that it has ‘decided to call it a day as a band.’ The group composed of singer Michael Stipe, guitarist Peter Buck and bassist Mike Mills released its debut album ‘Murmur’ in 1983. Drummer Bill Berry was also in the band but left the group in 1997. The message online said the band members ‘walk away with a great sense of gratitude, of finality, and of astonishment at all we have accomplished.'” Well, they sure held out a lot longer than Let’s Active. And if you get that reference, you are old.
6.) Today’s words of wisdom from Alec Baldwin’s Twitter feed — “When do Cheney and Rumsfeld go on trial for murder? Will that trial be in Texas? Georgia?”
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