DC Trawler

TheDC Morning: ‘Occupy Wall Street’ says it is a response to the tea party

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1.) Are Occupiers the new teabaggers? — As you may have heard, Wall Street is being occupied. And by “occupied,” we mean “cluttered up with spoiled babies.” Hey, just like those teabaggers, right? Welllllll… TheDC’s Steven Nelson reports: “The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest movement, based in New York City and inspiring similar protests across the country, has been described as the left’s response to the tea party. But do the two movements share any common ground? According to Tea Party Patriots National Chairman Mark Meckler, the answer is an emphatic ‘no.’ ‘These are law breaking people,’ Meckler told The Daily Caller. ‘We have nothing in common with them other than we are all American citizens. My read on the news is that they do not even know what they are protesting.’ Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips agreed. ‘I see very little in the way of commonalities between the two groups,’ Phillips told TheDC. ‘The Occupy Wall Street protesters act mostly as a mob, without any real coherent explanation of their grievances.'” If you think the two groups are just different versions of the same thing, ask yourself this: How many Tea Parties have been broken up with pepper spray?

2.) Holder didn’t open the folder on F&F? — When Eric Holder was first publicly asked about Fast and Furious last May, he claimed he’d only just heard about it a few weeks before. Hey, guess what? TheDC’s Matthew Boyle reports: “New documents indicate Attorney General Eric Holder was informed of Operation Fast and Furious and its investigative tactics in mid-2010. The new documents show that on November 1, 2010, Deputy Attorney General Lanny Breuer, the chief of the Justice Department’s criminal division, personally informed Holder about the operation in a briefing. The document was a memo Breuer wrote to Holder saying in which he included a brief description of Operation Fast and Furious… The Justice Department responded to this new information by saying that Holder receives many updates, memos and briefings daily and doesn’t always read them all — even if official records show he was informed of the intimate details of a case.” Eric Holder’s defense is that he can’t do his job? Hey, if he says so.

3.) Obama: ‘I stink’ — Here’s yet another example of the Obama administration’s emerging narrative — “We’re not malicious, just incompetent” — from TheDC’s Will Rahn: “President Obama said he will ‘absolutely’ be the underdog in the 2012 election and admitted Americans are ‘not better off’ than they were four years ago in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday. ‘I think what we’ve seen is we’ve made steady progress to help the economy,’ the president said, but the unemployment rate, currently at over 9 percent, remains ‘way too high.’ He said his American Jobs Act will give ‘more consumers more confidence’ and lead to much-needed economic growth. When asked about Solyndra, the bankrupt solar energy company that received millions in federal loans, Obama said, ‘People felt like it was a good bet’ and ‘hindsight is always 20/20.'” Except people didn’t feel like it was a good bet, and in fact were warning just the opposite, but whatever. Hey, wait… Did Barack Obama just say we’re not better off than we were four years ago? It’s true, of course, which is why it’s surprising he said it. How will that make people want to vote for him next year? Obama 2012: If You Think Your Life Sucks Now, Just Wait

4.) Renewable energy, flushable cash — Speaking of Solyndra: Sure, it was a complete disaster and a cash-wasting boondoggle. But it was just an isolated incident, right? Not so much. Matthew Boyle: “President Barack Obama’s ‘green jobs’ initiatives suffered another major blow late Monday, as the nonprofit National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden, Colorado, announced a plan to lay off roughly 10 percent of its staff through a voluntary buy-out plan. According to the Denver Post, the lab plans to eliminate between 100 and 150 of its 1,350 jobs. The Obama administration supported the NREL in 2009 with roughly $200 million in stimulus grants. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu visited Golden in May 2009 to promote the NREL as a beneficiary of those funds.” It tells you something about the Obama Administration that when you hear about another $200 million going down the toilet, you think, “Well, that’s not so bad.”

5.) Michael Moore doesn’t like us — Michael Moore became rich and famous by bothering people who made more money than him and disagreed with his politics. How does he like it? He doesn’t, of course, as TheDC’s Michelle Fields recently discovered: “Michael Moore is a supporter of openness and debate, unless you’re from The Daily Caller. On Friday, TheDC attended a talk by Michael Moore in Washington, D.C. The media was invited and the only stipulation was that press would not be allowed to use their flash after the first five minutes of the event. After checking in as reporters for The Daily Caller, we were immediately informed that we were not allowed to record the event. My cameraman and I were confused as to why the rules had suddenly changed and why we weren’t notified until now, but we went ahead and took our seats in the designated media section… A few minutes later, a woman tapped me on the shoulder to inform me that while Michael Moore would be taking questions at the end of his talk, TheDC would not be allowed to ask him any questions… I requested an interview from Moore’s people after the event, hoping that the self-proclaimed man of openness and debate would be willing to answer a couple of questions. After waiting for about an hour and half, we were told that Michael Moore was unwilling to meet with me for a one-on-one interview.” That’s right: Michael Moore will not allow himself to be treated like the subject of a Michael Moore movie.

6.) Obama Girl might’ve been Hillary Chick — Remember Obama Girl? Watch this video for a reminder. Yeah, you remember her. Well, now that it’s no longer cool to swoon over Obama, she wants you to know she was never that into him anyway. TheDC’s Betsi Flores reports: “The singer of that video, it has emerged, almost landed on Team Hillary. Amber Lee Ettinger tells ABC News that ‘Terry McAuliffe from the Hillary campaign, he actually took me … out to dinner to try to persuade us to go to Hillary’s side.’ Ettinger, 29, was an actress/model when she was hired for seven hours to shoot the video. At the time, Hillary was far ahead in the polls, and Obama was a virtual nobody… Though she was courted by another campaign, Ettinger explained to ABC that she didn’t want to be a ‘flip-flopper.’ ‘I was only going to sing and dance for one candidate. I didn’t want to be all over the place.'” Hmmm. There was at least one member of the Hillary campaign who wouldn’t have minded Amber Lee Ettinger flopping all over the place…

VIDEO: Remember when it was cool to admit you liked Obama?