
CBS ignored Ron Paul at debate, now shoves competitor to get a shot

Michelle Fields Contributor
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Seems like CBS is having a change of heart since Saturday’s debate.

Three days ago CBS hosted an hour-long foreign policy debate during which Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul had a mere 90 seconds of air time. Less than a week later, the network is muscling competitors out of the way just to get a camera shot of the Texas congressman.

Bloomberg’s latest poll numbers show Paul in a statistical tie for the lead in Iowa, causing even the not-so-Ron-Paul-friendly CBS to declare that his candidacy has moved into the “top tier.”

Today during Rep. Paul’s appearance at a Cato Institute conference, one CBS cameraman was so determined to get a shot of the GOP candidate that he shoved Daily Caller videographer Direna Cousins. Paul stopped his interview to tell the CBS reporter to stop behaving so aggressively.


[dcvideo videoid=”24779511″ name=”ndnPlayer_24779511″ type=”ndn” /]

Videography by Direna Cousins

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